PRA Parameters

These parameters specify things like how many random walks to do, L2 and L1 weight, and whether to use random walks or matrix multiplication to compute feature values. The parameters generally follow the object structure of the code, which follows the execution model of PRA. So, there is a fair amount of nesting in these parameters, with each level getting passed the parameters it needs to initialize some particular object in the code. For example, all of the parameters necessary for constructing feature matrices are nested under features, while those dealing with learning classification models using those feature matrices are under learning. You can often see what parameters are available in the code by looking near the top of an object for the code JsonHelper.ensureNoExtras(...). I’ll try to document most of what’s available here, but doing a search for that line in the code will give you an up-to-date view of what parameters are actually available. Also, feel free to ask me (or open an issue on the github project) if some parameter doesn’t work or you have questions.

Also note that there is often a parameter at each level that will change which other parameters are allowed. For instance, different options are allowed at the top level depending on which mode setting is used.

Finally, if this documentation format is confusing, just look at the examples in the github repository. This page tries to document most of what is going on in the examples in that directory.

Top-level PRA parameters

These parameters are nested under pra parameters in the spec file. mode is the main parameter, and determines what else is allowed.

  • mode: how should we run PRA? This currently has three options: no op, learn models (the default), and explore graph. no op lets you use an experiment specification to just create a graph or a dataset - it does all the preporatory stuff for PRA, then just quits. learn models runs the normal PRA code, with four main steps: (1) do random walks over the training data to find path types to use as features in the PRA model; (2) do random walks that are constrained to follow each path type, to compute feature values for the PRA model; (3) run logistic regression to learn weights for each of the path features found; (4) repeat step 2 with the test data, then classify it with the learned model. explore graph stops after the first step of PRA, and outputs a more verbose version of the results. Instead of just outputting statistics about each path seen, explore graphs will output all paths seen for each (source, target) pair in the training data. This is useful if you want to see what’s going on in your data, or if you have a method that can make use of more path types than PRA can compute feature values for, and you don’t care about the specific probabilities that PRA calculates in the second step. The results from using the learn models mode are put in the results/ directory, while explore graphs results are put in results_exploration/ (ExperimentScorer looks in results/ for methods to compare, and it would get confused if it tried to run on something output in explore graphs mode).

Top-level PRA parameters for mode no op:

  • No other parameters are looked at with this mode.

Top-level PRA parameters for mode learn models:

  • features: Under here you specify all of the parameters for generating a feature matrix. The code for this is in the FeatureGenerator trait (and subclasses PraFeatureGenerator and SubgraphFeatureGenerator).

  • learning: Under here you specify all of the parameters for learning models. PraModel is the class that takes these parameters, with subclasses LogisticRegressionModel and SVMModel.

Top-level PRA parameters for mode explore graphs:

  • data: This parameter says whether to use the training data, the test data, or both (from the split specified elsewhere).

  • explore: The parameters in here are passed to the GraphExplorer object, and are basically the same as those passed to a PathFinder, which you can see below. Look at the GraphExplorer code if you have questions; the parameters are listed at the top of the file.

FeatureGenerator parameters

These parameters show up under features, explained above. There are a lot of potential parameters here, and they depend on the feature generator type, which is the main parameter here.

  • type: Available values are pra and subgraphs. pra does the standard two-step process for generating a PRA feature matrix. subgraphs uses a faster technique that basically only does the first step of PRA.

Parameters for type pra (see the top of PraFeatureGenerator):

  • path finder: These parameters get passed to a PathFinder object, which is the first step of PRA.

  • path selector: These parameters get passed to a PathTypeSelector object, which is the end of the first step of PRA.

  • path follower: These parameters get passed to a PathFollower object, which is the second step of PRA.

Parameters for type subgraphs (see the top of SubgraphFeatureGenerator):

  • path finder: Same as the path finder parameter for PraFeatureGenerator.

  • feature extractors: This is a list of FeatureExtractor specifications, which operate on the subgraphs found by the PathFinder. See the example directory in the code for how to use these.

  • feature size: This allows for feature hashing, if the feature vectors get too large to be manageable. This was experimental, and I didn’t find it to be that useful.

  • include bias: This determines whether we add a bias term to the generated feature matrices. I found that including a bias term actually hurt mean average precision, so this is false by default.

PathFinder parameters

Again here there is a type parameter which determines which PathFinder is used.

  • type: There are two options: RandomWalkPathFinder and BfsPathFinder. RandomWalkPathFinder uses GraphChi to actually perform random walks to find paths, while BfsPathFinder loads the graph into memory and uses a breadth-first search when finding paths.

Parameters for RandomWalkPathFinder:

  • walks per source: during the path finding step, how many walks should we do from each training node?

  • path finding iterations: at each iteration, each walk from each source and target node takes at least one step. The code keeps track of where the walks go to, and joins paths through intermediate nodes. So if this is set to 2, for instance, you can find paths of up to length 4 (and possibly longer, because of the “at least one” bit above - the details aren’t important here).

  • reset probability: Each walk has some probability of restarting at every step. This allows you to change that probability. The default used to be .15, but now it is 0. If you have a lot of path finding iterations, you might want to allow the walks to restart occasionally.

  • path accept policy: this was intended to be similar to matrix accept policy for the feature selection step, but there’s really only one good option. Use paired-only, which means you only accept paths that go from a given source to its paired target; the everything option, which accepts paths from any source to any target, turned out to be way too computationally expensive.

  • path type factory: this tells the code what kind of path types to use. At the moment there are just two kinds, though I may add more in the near future. The default path type is just a sequence of edge types. The only current alternative is a sequence of edge types with associated vectors, which implements my vector space random walks. So this parameter is how you specify that you want to use this new method. In contrast to all of the above parameters, which take simple types as their values, this requires an object. Here’s an example:

  "path type factory": {
    "name": "VectorPathTypeFactory",
    "spikiness": 3,
    "reset weight": 0.25,
    "embeddings": {
      "name": "synthetic",
      "graph": "synthetic",
      "dims": 50
    "matrix dir": "denser_matrices"

See the paper for what spikiness and reset weight do (the code wasn’t very sensitive to small changes to the values you see above). For the vector space embeddings, you can either create your own and just give a name or a path, or you can specify a graph and a number of dimensions, and the code will perform a sparse SVD on the graph. You should probably be sure that you have fortran bindings for the matrix libraries if you want to have the PRA code do the SVD and your graph is large. I use breeze for this, so see their instructions for setting up the fortran bindings, and ask either them or me if you have trouble with it. If you create your own embeddings, the format the code expects is just one relation per line, with the relation name followed by the value of each dimension, all tab-separated. Have the code create embeddings on a small graph if you need an example. Also note that you can give a list here for the embeddings parameter, so you can use several kinds of embeddings if you want, though that’s not necessarily advisable.

The matrix dir parameter is used when you want to combine the matrix multiplication PRA implementation with vector space random walks. The gist is that you use the embeddings to create a denser matrix that is used instead of the adjacency matrix when computing feature values (the denser matrix is specified in the graph parameters. I’m still working on the right way to construct this denser matrix to get performance similar to the vector space random walks, but the functionality is there if you want to play around with it.

Parameters for BfsPathFinder:

  • number of steps: How many steps should the BFS take? Default is currently 2.

  • max fan out: If at any particular node, a edge type has more than this many outgoing edges, we stop the BFS on that edge type at that node. This is to control the exponential time complexity of the BFS, especially when dealing with category or type nodes in a knowledge base graph. The default is currently 100.

PathTypeSelector parameters

These parameters go under features -> path selector when the feature type is pra. There is currently just one parameter here.

  • number of paths to keep: how many of the paths that we found in the path finding step should we keep? The higher this is, the longer the path following step will take. The paths will be selected by the PathTypeSelector, which has a parameter below (but so far not many options - the default is just to select the most frequent). You can also set this to -1 to keep all paths that are found, but be aware that this might be a really bad idea. There could potentially be tens or hundreds of thousands of paths found, depending on your graph and your parameters for path finding, and keeping all of them would be prohibitively expensive in the path following step. It’s there if you want it, but you should consider if just using the PathExplorer (with the ExperimentExplorer driver) is sufficient for what you’re trying to do.

Well, you can also specify a name, and use an experimental PathTypeSelector that I tried using with the vector space random walks in my EMNLP 2014 paper. I’m not going to document it here, though; look for the createPathTypeSelector method if you really care.

PathFollower parameters

These parameters go under features -> path follower when the feature type is pra. There are a few different PathFollowers implemented, but I’m just going to document the main one, RandomWalkPathFollower. See the createPathFollower code in the Driver class for more information on the others (or the PathFollower class itself, if I ever get it moved to scala).

Avaliable parameters:

  • walks per path: during the path following step, how many walks should we do per (source node, path type) pair?

  • normalize walk probabilities: after all of the random walks are finished, PRA typically computes feature values by normalizing the probability distribution over target nodes, given a (source node, path type) pair. If you specify this as false, that step will be skipped. I don’t think this makes a big difference in either performance or running time, but if you want to experiment with it you can.

  • matrix accept policy: this determines which (source, target) pairs should be kept when computing a feature matrix. PRA does random walks from all source nodes in your dataset, and keeps track of all targets that are reached. We generally use non-input targets as negative examples at training time, as PRA typically only has positive training data. But we give a few options here, in case you actually have negative examples. The first (and default, and recommended for most use cases) is all-targets. This requires that a range be specified in the KB files for the relation currently being learned, and restricts entries in the matrix to have only targets from the given range (so, for example, if we end up at a city when we’re trying to predict a country, we don’t use that as a negative example when training, nor do we try to score it as a prediction at test time). A more permissive option is everything, which allows all targets into the feature matrix. This is not recommended, but is necessary if you don’t have a range for the relation you’re trying to learn (unless you have your own negative examples, at training and test time). The final option is paired-targets-only. This means that the code will only produce feature matrix rows for examples that are explicitly listed in the input dataset (both at training time and at testing time; if you want to do this only at training time, but use all-targets or everything at test time, you’ll have to modify and recompile the code. Sorry. You can send me a pull request when you’re done, though =) ). If you have your own negative examples, and you don’t want to augment them with whatever other examples the random walks finds, then this is what you should use (to be clear: use all-targets if you want to use your own negative examples and whatever the random walks find; use paired-targets-only to only use your provided negative examples). Note that this parameter only affects the feature computation step; it does not affect learning in any way, other than determining how the feature matrix used at learning time is computed.

Learning parameters

These parameters go under pra parameters -> learning, and there are two types available.

  • type: What kind of model should we use? The available options are logistic regression and svm.

  • binarize features: both kinds of models accept this parameter, which determines whether the features computed by the FeatureGenerator are binarized before being passed to the learning model.

Logistic regression params:

  • L1 weight: used when training the logistic regression classifier.

  • L2 weight: used when training the logistic regression classifier.

SVM params:

  • kernel: What kernel should be used? Available options are linear, quadratic, and rbf; none of these performed as well as logistic regression in my experiments with it, however. Perhaps training the SVM with some kind of ranking loss would give better performance on mean average precision.